Interior Advice
We do hope that all our customers are always 100% satisfied. If nevertheless you would have complaints concerning our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We will do the utmost to deal with your complaint within 7 days.
If we cannot work it out together, you can go to Safeshops as a consumer. will mediate between the consumer and the seller if the complaint is justified at first sight. You can reach them via the complaint form at or in writing: Kapelsesteenweg 195/1, 2180 Ekeren - [email protected].
All contracts we conclude with our customers are, regardless of their place of residence, exclusively governed by Belgian law. Only the courts of Belgium are competent to adjudicate with disputes arising out of or connected to these contracts. If as a result of international law the law of a different country applies, the interpretation of the current terms and conditions will in the first instance be done in accordance to the Belgian Law on Market Practices and Consumer Protection.
In case of out of court commercial dispute settlements, the consumer ombudsman of the FPS economy is competent for every demand concerning out of court dispute settlement. They will either treat it themselves or forward it to a qualified entity. You have the possibility to contact the consumer ombudsman at the following link:
In case of a cross-border dispute you can make use of the Online Dispute Resolution platform of the European Union at the following link: